


简介:The advent of the automobile changed the world and its inhabitants as no other means of transport had ever done before. It is increasingly plain to see that cars are ill-suited to big cities and that the social, economic and environmental costs they incur are no longer sustainable. Drawing on interviews with philosophers, urban designers and engineers, together with archive material, animation sequences and images of contemporary society, this thought-provoking film questions our de- pendence on the automobile and urges us to rethink our ideas about personal mobility.   地球生物圈的99%以上是由受到光线和引力影响而向上生长的植物组成。为了四处活动,动物需要吸收植物和其它生物体体内累积的能量。 最初,人类只能依靠自身营养物质提供的能量来四处活动。后来,人类开始借助动物的力量,并发明了船来利用风能。后来,人们通过改进技术,提高了能源的利用 率,使人类移动的速度和可控性有所提升。 随着蒸汽机的发明,人类第一次开始使用非可再生能源。石油工业的兴起带来了一场伟大的变革。这场变革推动了内燃机和流水线生产的普及,还见证了汽车的诞生。这是一项改变世界的发明,它给人类带来了前所未有的便利。…