现代的纽约圣诞夜,当人们不再嘘寒问暖,五个素昧平生的人将会重新发现圣诞的真谛。杰拉找到勇气走出阴霾,亚提悲剧的往事提醒了麦克珍惜眼前与妮娜的关系,同时,萝丝找到了人生新希望,一段意想不到的友谊点醒了她,没有人在圣诞夜是真正孤独的…… In the Christmas Eve in New York, the lonely divorced publisher Rose Harrison expects for a miracle to improve the health of her mother, interned in a hospital with Alzheimer. She feels sorry for the patient of the room in front of her mother's and meets his visitor . Meanwhile, the Latin Nina Vasquez breaks her engagement with her beloved fiancé Mike due to his suffocating jealousy, but misses him. Mike is stalked by the stranger bartender Artie Venzuela . The poor Jules expects to spend the Christmas night in the hospital, where he spent the best Christmas of his life when he was a teenager. The lives of some of these characters cross with others along the night.展开